Comment history with austinoutloud
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 comments
oh, i'm excited for you!
i actually haven't watched Lion King on stage, though i really want to... i meant the Disney movie when i said that. =P
OMG, Lion King was AMAZING. I saw it in London. And I'm going to see Rent onstage in a few days! Im excited :)
Haha, I like really cheesy stuff. I've always been a huge fan of The Lion King, and I really enjoy the songs from Grease and Hairspray. Rent on Broadway's pretty awesome too... it just sucks how the movie didn't turn out so great.
Totally. I am pretty much obsessed with musicals, and Beauty and the Beast is one of my all-time favourite Disney movies!
(both because you spell "favourite" with a "u", and because you like Chicago and Beauty and the Beast)
"My favourites now are Chicago and Beauty and the Beast. Yes, I spelled favourite with a 'u' on purpose."
You are now my favourite person.